Thank you for your interest in becoming a very important part of the Miss Arab USA Pageant, and of even more significance, being a part of what could be a momentous event in many of our contestants' young lives.

We have produced a very unique program that we define as “Pageantry With Purpose.”  From the beginning, our judges' panel has been made up of civic-minded individuals who are willing to contribute a weekend to this event. 

The Goal of this Pageant is to select a young honorable Arab woman to represent our Culture in the US for 12 months. Miss Arab USA pageant will be different than any other Pageants around the world. Swimsuit competition as well as body qualifications will not be in effect in our pageant. We pride ourselves on the Beauty of the Mind, as well as Community pride and education. The Pageant winner will be chosen based on her general Elegance, Education and world knowledge, Skill set, Talents, Community involvement, and service.  

We realize you’ve probably never done anything like this before.  You’ll be in great company, as most of our judges are just like you, members of the community, whether it be from the social service sector, business, and professionals, media and entertainment, or individuals representing the beauty industry in one capacity or another. 

 What qualifies you? 

            Integrity – being honest and forthright.

Diligence – taking this task seriously, affording all contestants equal time, attention, and consideration.

Fairness – setting aside your preferences and making decisions based upon the criteria set forth by the organization.

Unbiased—not allowing stereotypes or prejudices to influence your decisions.

 What does it mean to be invited to judge a Pageant?

Being a judge is an honor. Over the two months before the pageant, our contestants will work very hard to get to this point. Judges are then entrusted with the power to change a contestant’s life, and we thank you for your interest in your community and your commitment to its’ youth through your participation in this event.

The pageant finals will take place over a three-day period:

      › Day One (Thursday): Talent audition, selecting the top 5 talent contestants.

      › Day Two (Friday): Personal Interview with the Judges.
        Beginning with a brief presentation given by the Pageant's Director, detailing all events related to the Pageant.

      › Day Three (Saturday): Pageant Show.
      Includes Casual Wear, National Wear, Formal Wear, Talents, and Final questions.

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